Welcome to this womb space, grab a cup of tea and journey through my offerings, I'm here if you'd like to arrange a soul call to find out what is for you
Womb Yoga
Yoga for Menstrual Cycle Awareness, this is the place to start for many, to understand the cycle and how the feminine form waxes and wanes like the moon. As your cycle ebbs and flows, so should your exercise of choice, join me for a class and start tuning into the blood mysteries
Fertility Yoga
This is for women who are preparing to birth new life, be that naturally or supported, these classes are designed to support your journey, from inception of decision until conception. Yoga, breath, guided visualisation, meditation, self massage, partner work are all part of a four week course to help support your journey - this is currently offered as a 1:1 or 1:2 if you wanted your partner to join all or some of the sessions.
Perimenopause and beyond, the place to start is MCA as the better prepared you are, the greater your mastery of the cycle, the easier your symptoms are likely to be. During these classes you'll explore ways in which to manage your symptoms but also embody the richness of the wise woman within.
Menopause Yoga
The journey through Perimenopause and into Post Menopause can be confusing, a myriad of symptoms for which there is no clear guidance, such an individual journey can feel challenging at best, tempestuous at worse. This time is a right of passage yet due to the way it has been viewed by society, it is seen as a by product of aging and a devaluing of woman. Even the word used to describe the Post Menopause woman, Crone, has been misappropriated to a derogatory term. Well I am here to help change that, to help you navigate those choppy seas, to be your cheerleader and guide as you step into your personal power. So much more than "just a yoga class" join me and enjoy the ride!
Menopause Mentoring
If you are navigating perimenopause or have arrived in post menopause and feel lost at sea, mentoring could be for you. You'll find all the details under the classes, book online tab
Courses can be found under the classes tab

Womb & Fertility Massage ~ restoring balance in the reproductive and digestive system
Fertility Massage is a nourishing blend of modalities, that when combined brings harmony and balance to the reproductive, digestive & sacral areas. On a much deeper and probably more important level, it re-awakens and re-connects women to their bodies, especially their womb. This massage is beneficial for every woman, with or without a physical womb. The womb space is the home of all creation, be that new life, new projects or re-birthing the woman you now are (post-menopause or post-hysterectomy) this treatment will remind you of and connect you to the innate power within.
How can the massage support you? The massage itself is a gentle, non-invasive yet deeply moving therapy that works to bring the organs of the pelvic bowl and abdominal areas back into alignment. It can aid the breakdown of scar tissue, release stagnant blood, improve circulation in the womb, ovaries, and fallopian tubes, improve blood, nerve and lymph flow allowing for detox and deep relaxation.
One of the key causes of infertility is stress, women lead busy and stressful lives and when the constant status is ‘fight or flight’ mode, the body shuts down the reproductive system as this is the only system that is seen as expendable. The massage therefore seeks not only to support your body on a structural level but a nourishing and nurturing one too. Some of the techniques used during the treatment are:
Womb, Abdominal and Sacral massage
Pulsing, this is a holistic body work therapy to release emotional tension and the dissolution of body armour
Rebozo, moving and wrapping the body with the aid of Mexican Shawls
Reiki, a healing energy vibration which can be hands on or off the body
Sound, made by voice or instruments
Guided visualisation designed specifically to support your needs
Meditation and Pranayama (breathing exercises)
What are the benefits of this treatment?
Preparing the body for conception and pregnancy, either natural or assisted
Easing painful or irregular periods and other difficulties experienced with any stage of the menstrual cycle, including supporting symptoms of PMS
Postpartum, helping to regain stability and internal balance, recovery from birth trauma, miscarriage, or termination of a pregnancy
Relieving stress and easing difficulties with the digestive system including constipation, stomach cramps and symptoms of IBS
To help deal with both perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms
Recovery from womb trauma, healing old wounds be that physical or ancestral
Bringing everything back into its natural place and flow
Supporting management of many womb pathologies
Restoring a woman back into a place of harmony with her body
This is a truly deep and nourishing treatment, which can be of benefit to all women at any stage of their life. Traditional massage usually avoids the area of the stomach; it is a place where we can feel exposed which can lead to us feeling tense or guarded. But therein lies the magic of this treatment, this is so much more than a physical treatment, it is a whole woman experience and as the woman receiving it, you are held and supported to heal and grow by another woman.
So how does it work? I am happy to offer a short clarity call if you need to ask some questions before making the decision to have a treatment. Once you decide to go ahead and book, I will send you a consultation form which you will need to complete and return at least 48 hours before your treatment. The form explains how I adhere to GDPA requirements. Payment is due on booking and you must give at least 48 hours’ notice of cancellation or I will only be able to refund 50% of the treatment cost, less that 24 hours and I will not be able to refund you. We can plan the treatment to best suit your cycle or fertility treatment but if you do happen to be menstruating, I will just go gently around your womb area. If you are going through a fertility journey it is best to start treatment at least 3 months before trying to conceive.
Initial consultation and treatment. Allow 90 minutes for your first treatment, we will discuss your consultation form over a cup of tea and plan your treatment together. The consultation will take about 30 minutes and the massage will be 60 minutes ~ Investment of £90 - this takes place at my home treatment space
Once you have had your initial consultation there are a range of packages available – part of the consultation will be to recommend the optimum amount of treatments*
Follow up treatment ~ 75 minutes ~ £75
Package of 4 (Consultation session and 3 further treatments) ~ £290
Package of 4 x 75 minute sessions ~ £260
Package of 6 x 75 minute sessions ~ £375 (the sixth treatment is free)
Combine a 1:1 Fertility Yoga practice to any package for an additional £25 (usual price £50)
*Whilst regular treatments are recommended, the number of treatments remains your choice
Whilst there are many benefits which can optimise conception, this is not a guarantee of the treatment
Don’t just take my word for it, here is what women are saying:
“I found my womb massage both relaxing and therapeutic, having had an emergency c-section in August 2019, I felt the massage and particularly the reiki was very nurturing for my scar area and left me feeling restored and uplifted” J
“I feel like my pelvis can breathe again” L
“Since the massage, my period has been a lot easier to manage and no painful symptoms” C
And now, Yoga Thai Massage £80 for 90 minutes
"Had a gorgeous gentle thai massage with Louise who has taken her learnings straight from thailand. Louise's space is so gorgeous, comfortable and relaxing. She puts you at ease right away and chats through areas you would like her to work on. Left feeling so relaxed and refreshed" ER